Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy 2012

Byebye 2011! Cut my super long hair and dyed dark color to start my new 2012 life!

Okay actually it's not that short! But anyway for me it's still a lot shorter than before.

Nah. I told you! :P

Anyway, Happy 2012 for all of my beloved friends and family! May God bless you everything going better in 2012 ya! xx

Monday, January 2, 2012

My 10's biggy in 2011

1. Experienced the massive 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch Nz (7.2mag in Sep2010)
Before. I was doing a baby freeze there.
After... it was destructive!

2. Our family had overcome the biggest obstacle in life ever. We are healthy and happy now. Thank God for protecting us all the time.

3. Enrolled my LLB in Taylor's/Reading University and I love it.

4. Lost 7-8kg after backed from NZ. ( still working on, aimed to lose 5 more kg!)

5. Involve to more dance scene and joined a crew name Chillies
6. Got my heart broken but yet recovered. Thanks to all my friends and family for supported. Thanks to my beloved God Father.

7. Worked in a legal firm as an conveyancing administrative and met real lawyers.
8. Witnessed a truth love story happened in life, what's really amazing is its happened on my best friends. Warrence and Ally.
9. First time to live independently in the big city Kuala Lumpur. It's different with NZ, because I was living with my aunt and uncle, and they took good care of me. The very first time I came to a place with knowing nobody here. Everything depend on MYSELF.
10. My daddy has finally came to Christ. It brought our family closer than ever, and we pray that my sister and brother will also come to Christ soon. Thanks God for wake him up, thanks God for the blessing on every of our family members. Amen!